
After our Door County trip we drove to Champaign, Il to visit with my grandmother.  We were able to stay very long but were able to say “hi” and wish her happy 90th birthday.  The woman is amazing and still travels around the country singing in her chorus group, Sweet Adelines.  After a short visit we drove to Chicago to have dinner at my friend Christina’s home.  Hope, Sara, Bryan, Frosty, and Beth came and we had a delicious dinner!  Thank you Christina!  It is ALWAYS nice to see my Chicago girls and I only wish that I could spend more time with all of them.  Hope was also gracious enough to let us crash in her super sweet basement suite!  We felt like rock stars.  Sebastien made a new friend with Bryan and next time I hope that we will be able to spend more time with them and that their husbands will be able to join us.

The following day we visited Skip and walked around downtown.  It was one of the most beautiful days of our trip!  Later that evening we had dinner in Greek Town with the Davis’s, Giagia, and Nouna.  It was nice to visit with them and hear about their Key West adventure!  Love you guys!!!august-2009-038august-2009-040august-2009-047