Waiting At The Airport – Thank God For Technology

waiting in houston

We accomplished the first leg of our trip to Costa Rica and we are now in Houston, TX, waiting for our flight to San Jose. We have 3 hours to kill and I am already online. Yes, I’m addicted.

I brought my little Lenovo netbook and of course, my iPhone… I use an illegal application (well, not approved is the right word) called PDAnet that allows me to tether my iPhone. This means I connect my iPhone to the 3G network and set up a local connection on my laptop that allows me to connect to this 3G network.

This app is absolutely amazing. I wrote about it on my iPhone blog and you may want to check it out if you have an iPhone and travel a bit.

One Comment on “Waiting At The Airport – Thank God For Technology

  1. I showed everyone at work you pic. You guys are just the cutest. Let me know when you have arrived. Love you